Shark Families: Tomorrow night is PTO Spirit night at Kids Play and Cafe from 5:00PM- 7:00PM. The cost is $10.95 for ages 2-3 and $12.95 for 4 year olds and up. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Shark Families: Pup Tales is tomrrow from 11:30-12:00. We will have a snack and crafts. This is for any child birth to 4K. We look forward to seeing you on November the 8th at 11:30am.
Shark Families: Tomorrow November 8th is National STEM day. Wear your MAST shirt and show your school spirit! We can not wait to see all the fun you will have tomorrow!
Shark Families: Please disregard the last text. Pup Tales is not 11/7/023, but rather 11/8/2023. I apologize for the confusion.
Shark Families: Pup Tales is tomorrow from 11:30-12:00. We will have a snack and crafts. We can’t wait to give out the new books. This is for any family that has a child birth-4K.
Shark Families: The Show Me the Money Club will meet on Tuesday. Parents remember there is a meeting for you at 4:00PM and dinner to follow. Looking forward to seeing all our Show Me the Money Club members Tuesday 11/7/2023
It is Friday! Here is Fins Up for next week:
Pickens County Parents,
You are invited to an information night to hear from experts regarding “Social Media and Your Child’s Mental Health” on Nov. 9 at 6:00pm at Pickens Middle School.
- WHAT: Social Media and Your Child’s Mental Health - INFORMATION NIGHT
- WHERE: Pickens Middle School
- WHEN: Thur. 11/9 at 6:00pm
- Submit this form to attend -
Happy Friday! Here is Fins Up for our short week next week!
Shark Families: All Pro Dads will be giving away special gifts tomorrow. Gifts like scooters, footballs, basketballs, and even board games. Even if you did not order a biscuit come join us for these prized and a great time of fellowship from 6:45-7:20. See you in the morning.
Shark Families: Tomorrow is Book Character Day! We can not wait to see you in your favorite book character outfit!
Shark Families: ALL Pro Dads will meet in the cafeteria at 6:45 am on Friday morning. There will be a volunteer training at 7:30 am. We can not wait to see you!
Shark Families: Skate Night is tonight from 6-8PM
Shark Families: ALL PRO DAD forms must be returned by 8 am Thursday morning in order to receive breakfast. They went home on 10/23. Thank you!
Shark Families: Thursday is Tie-dye day so wear tie-dye to support Red Ribbon Week.
Shark Families: Skate Night is tomorrow night 10/26 from 6-8PM
Shark Families: We can't wait to see you at Pup Tales today at 11:30am. We have a great free book for you!! Looking forward to seeing our future sharks today!
Shark Families: Beta Club's canned food drive continues until November 10th. The following items are most needed green beans or peas, corn, mixed veggies, baked beans, canned chicken or tuna, rice, or any pasta. Thank you for helping with this great cause.
Shark Families: Pet, Origami, Lego, and Drama club will be meeting on Wednesday until 4 pm. Please pick up in the bus loop.
Shark Families: Tomorrow is Camo Day for Red Ribbon Week. Wear your favorite camo pants, shirts or hats!