CTE Textbook Review

Each year the state of SC establishes priorities for purchasing instructional materials and resources for our students. Currently, the state is funding new career and technology instructional materials for grades 9-12. Before the process reaches our schools, the SC State Board of Education seeks stakeholder input from across the state and approves a broad list of textbooks for schools to review. Following state approval, textbook publishers formally presented their materials to school districts and distributed samples of their resources for our review.

The 9-12 grade CTE Textbooks selection process has been completed at the state level and it is now time to complete the approval process at the district level. SDPC invites the public to review textbooks and instructional materials that have been proposed for use in Pickens County schools for CTE.  

Proposed Career and Technology Education (CTE) Instructional Materials and Textbooks

Digital Art and Design:

1. National Geographic Learning/Cengage Publisher

  • Adobe® Photoshop Creative Cloud Revealed- ISBN#: 9780357926260

  • Adobe® Illustrator Creative Cloud Revealed- ISBN#:9780357577905

  • Adobe® InDesign Creative Cloud Revealed- ISBN#: 9780357577899

Online textbook only: https://www.cengage.com/coursepages/SC_CTE_Adobe   

2. Savvas Learning Company LLC Publisher

  • MyLab for Adobe Graphic Design-ISBN#:978137914302

Online textbook only: https://mlm.pearson.com/northamerica/ 

Access Code: Username: NN_MyLabs   Password: Teacher1

Digital Media Marketing:

1. National Geographic Learning/Cengage Publisher

  • Foundations of Marketing- ISBN#: 9780357921265

Online: https://nglsync.cengage.com/portal/Account/LogOn?DistrictLoginCode=540I 

Access Code: Username: teacher01@scmarketing.com  Password:Welcome1

Image Editing:

1. National Geographic Learning/Cengage Publisher

  • Adobe Photoshop Revealed: ISBN#: 9780357926260 (also listed under Digital Arts & Design)

Online: https://www.cengage.com/coursepages/SC_CTE_Adobe   

Nutrition and Wellness (Formerly Sports Nutrition 1):

1. eDynamic Learning, LLC Publisher

  • Nutrition and Wellness-ISBN#-9781736899632

Online textbook only: https://pickenscounty-review.agilixbuzz.com/ 

Access Code: Username: teacher-review   Password: Pickens#5309

Digital Multimedia:

1. Savvas Learning Company LLC Publisher

  • MyLab for Adobe Web Design-ISBN#-9780137914333

Online textbook only: https://mlm.pearson.com/northamerica/ 

Access Code: Username: SCwebdesign1  Password: Teacher1


  1. The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc. Publisher
  • Fashion Marketing & Merchandising, 5th Edition- ISBN#:9781635631487

Online: https://www.g-wonlinetextbooks.com/  

Access Code: 39afc5233d13806c

The materials will be on display in person and online from August 14 - 25, 2023 with instructions for submitting comments available in person and online.

Community stakeholders may review and give feedback on the resources: 

  • In-person at Central Services 

    • Curtis A. Sudden Administrative Building

    • 1348 Griffin Mill Road

    • Easley, SC 29640

    • 8:30am until 4:00pm Monday through Friday

  • OR online 

    • Login information for the textbook publisher sites are listed at the textbook company links detailed above.

Our goal is to be able to send the SDPC Board of Trustees the final recommendation for each level the Week of August 28, 2023.

Please send comments and questions to: BrianRichard@Pickens.k12.sc.us

We appreciate your input in this process. 

Please complete the following survey to provide your input at your convenience: https://bit.ly/3Ou4ehw