Current + Future
2024-2025 Calendar and 2025-2026 Calendar
The SDPC Board of Trustees approved the 2024-2025 FINAL Calendar on Oct. 23, 2023. This is a Modified Year-Round calendar with a start date of August 1, 2024 for students.
First Day: August 1, 2024
Last Day: May 23, 2025
The SDPC Board of Trustees approved the 2025-2026 FINAL Calendar on Nov. 18, 2024. This is a Modified Year-Round calendar with a start date of August 1, 2025 for students.
Click here to view the 11/18/24 presentation shared with the Board of Trustees.
First Day: August 1, 2025
Last Day: May 22, 2026
eLearning Days for Inclement Weather
SDPC is an SC Department of Education approved eLearning district. The current provision allows the district to use up to five (5) days in eLearning. These days are for emergency situations, such as inclement weather or utility interruptions (for example, water line breaks or power outages). They are not planned days on the calendar. Students have five (5) days from the eLearning day to complete their assignments. When students complete their assignments, they are counted as present for the day(s) missed.
Inclement Weather / Closure Make Up
If eLearning is not possible or we have used all five allowed days of eLearning, a closure may be necessary. Days missed due to the closure of schools will be made up on the next available make-up days on the calendar. These days are February 14, April 21, and May 22/23 on the 2024-25 school calendar.
Note - The 2024-25 Calendar was revised on February 24, 2025 as part of a make-up plan for instructional time missed due to Hurricane Helene. See full details here:
Modified Year-Round Calendar Approach
The MODIFIED calendar provides:
The MODIFIED Year-Round or "balanced" calendar reduces the long summer break and simply allocates those days throughout the school year, producing more frequent breaks and limiting long periods of in-session days, as well as longer times away from instruction during the summer.
Balanced Semesters
Complete 1st semester and secondary level exams before Christmas break (in prior years, a later start date led to exams being given after Christmas which was very difficult for students and parents).
Breaks Throughout the Year
Our goal is to create breaks evenly distributed throughout the school year instead of long stretches without stopping.
Prevents student and teacher burnout. Keeps everyone more mentally refreshed.
Decreases teacher and student absences.
Prevents social, behavioral, and emotional issues.
Allows us to schedule unique opportunities for partnerships with area organizations during these breaks.
Additional opportunities for students and staff throughout the year instead of just summer.
Decrease Summer Learning Loss
An earlier return (first Tuesday or Thursday in August) reduces learning loss during the summer months and allows a return to structure for students.
Allows more instructional days before cold and flu season
Breaks are built-in during times when more absences occur due to sickness.
Flexible Learning Opportunities
Allows students to complete 12-week and 8-week virtual courses each semester (during 20 week semester).
Flexibility in scheduling virtual courses makes more courses available to students.
Provides more options for our students to obtain credits.
All of this is in line with the SDPC Board priority of INNOVATION
Enables SDPC to be more future-focused.
The total number of school days for students (180) and contract days for teachers (190) remain the same as they have been before.
Future Calendars
SDPC posts draft versions of future calendars to assist teachers and families with planning. All calendars are subject to change. Calendars are brought to the school board for final approval during the preceding school year.
The district has developed draft calendars through the 2029-2030 school year, which will be posted on the district website for planning purposes but must be reviewed by the board each year before final approval and are subject to change. These calendars follow the Modified Year-Round format.
2025-2026 FINAL Calendar (approved by the SDPC Board of Trustees on Nov. 18, 2024)
2029-2030 Draft Calendar