
School Bus Safety and Conduct

Making our buses safe is a top priority in the School District of Pickens County. Bus transportation to and from school is a privilege. The rules are created to protect the welfare and safety of all student riders.

Students riding school-, district- or state-owned buses are under the supervision of the drivers who have the authority to maintain order. Basic student rules for bus transportation are as follows: (1) Be at the bus stop fifteen minutes before the bus arrives; (2) Get on and off the bus at its regular stop—parental permission and administrator approval are required to change the rider’s bus stop and/or to allow a friend to ride; (3) Obey the driver’s instructions at all times; (4) Do not abuse or deface state or personal property; (5) Do not play or record music or video; (6) Do not use profanity; (7) Do not talk loudly or yell; (8) Do not fight; (9) Do not throw objects on/off the bus; (10) Do not have food or drink.

Dangerous or disruptive behaviors include those listed above but are not limited to the list. Each school and bus driver may have additional rules that must be followed.

Disciplinary action will be taken when a student rider is referred to an administrator. The action may include one or more of the following consequences: (1) counseled/warned, (2) parent contacted or conference, (3) bus privileges temporarily denied for 1 to 10 days, (4) bus privileges denied for remainder of the year, (5) out-of-school suspension, and/or (6) expulsion from school.

High School Student Parking

Student parking is a privilege open to eligible high school students who are both licensed and responsible drivers. A fee will be charged for student parking. Each high school establishes its own student parking guidelines and fees. Students are not permitted to park in campus areas that are not designated for student parking. Vehicles in such locations are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense. Each school has the right to revoke parking privileges for students who violate driving and parking rules. Each student who drives and/or parks on a high school campus in SDPC must successfully complete Alive at 25, a defensive driving program developed by the National Safety Council or another district approved defensive driving course. Please contact your child’s school for more information on the program.

Search of Student-Operated Vehicles

The act of bringing a vehicle on school premises will constitute a presumption that the student, parent/guardian or owner of the vehicle has consented to the search of that vehicle. School officials who have reasonable suspicion to search a vehicle located on school premises are authorized to conduct a search of that vehicle in accordance with state and federal law.