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The use of technology in the schools is a privilege and therefore must be used responsibly. Any student who fails to follow established technology rules will be disciplined according to the level of the offense. Principals and/or their designees will use their discretion in dealing with the severity of each offense within each level and in dealing with repeat offenders within any level.

Level One (1) Offense

  1. Verbal warning

  2. Detention

  3. Written warning with copy to principal or his/her designee and parent notification

  4. All technology privileges revoked for a period of time to be determined by the administration

Level Two (2) Offense

  1. Parent notification and detention or in school suspension

  2. Technology privileges revoked up to remainder of school year

  3. Suspension

Level Three (3) Offense

  1. Suspension

  2. Expulsion

  3. Legal action

  • Students are to use district-issued computers and devices only for educational purposes when given proper authorization and direct supervision by school personnel. 

  • When logging into the network system or a local computer, all established entry procedures must be followed. Students are not to subvert entry systems (ie: use a VPN).

  • Excessive printing or printing to unauthorized network printers is prohibited.

  • Students who login to the network or to a local computer must not leave their station unattended. They must log out when leaving the computer. Students will be held accountable and share in the disciplinary consequences of any inappropriate behavior that is tracked with their login ID. 

  • Students are not to change classroom software configurations without authorized permission and direct supervision. This includes Windows systems and its icons and setups.

  • Students may be held accountable for damages incurred by faulty or virus-infected media including any removable media (Zip, USB drives, etc.) 

  • Students are not to utilize unauthorized login IDs or utilize other students’ or school employees’ login IDs. Students are not to give out IDs or passwords to peers. 

  • Computer connections such as peripheral and network cables, power cords, and other wires are not to be disconnected without authorization and under direct supervision of school personnel. 

  • Students are to adhere to SDPC Policy and Administrative Rules which are linked to at the bottom of this page.

  • Students are prohibited from duplicating copyrighted or intellectually protected materials.

  • Students are prohibited from downloading from the Internet any illegal or pirated copies of copyrighted or intellectually protected materials.

  • Students are not to access personal email, chat rooms and/or instant messaging on district-owned devices unless directed to do so under the supervision of a teacher.

  • Students will not access unacceptable sites.

  • Students are not to tamper with the local computer or network operating system.Stud

  • ents are not to install software of any kind on school- and district-owned devices.

  • Students are prohibited from direct contact with any servers, attached components, switches, UPS, racks, wires, panels, etc. 

  • Students should not share, print, scan, send, or create materials that are obscene, pornographic, offensive, threatening, or otherwise intended to harass or demean others.

  • ​Students are not to change computer or network configurations. Changes to the local computer or network system configurations are to be accomplished by approved district personnel.

  • Hardware defacement or destruction is a punishable offense that will include restitution. Students and their parents will be expected to pay for damages to hardware and software and the hourly costs of repair labor. This includes the use of magnets to destroy information, writing on equipment, disassembling parts, sticking objects in drives, peeling off labels, keyboard defacement, bending wires and cables, removing printer components, etc.

  • ​Students are not to copy district software or to download/utilize unlicensed software.

  • Students are not to circumvent district URL blocking by any means.

  • Students should not access gaming sites at school unless directed to do so by their teachers for educational purposes. 

  • Students may not delete any files except their own personal files.

​Children’s Internet Protection Act

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted by Congress to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on school and library computers. SDPC has protocols and policies in place to meet CIPA requirements. Those include content filtering and virus protection software; both are updated daily. Additionally, each network user’s activity is monitored at all times through the filtering and protection system. SDPC students will also receive instruction regarding internet safety. 

1:1 Technology Protection Plan

As a condition of being issued a district-owned Chromebook or tablet, the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) must agree to the SDPC 1:1 Device Guidelines and purchase the 1:1 Protection Plan for Accidental or Negligent Damage.​

Use of Technology Resources in Instruction - Policies