Student Nutrition

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SDPC Student Nutrition Services is committed to providing students with appetizing, nutritious and delicious meals during the school year. Our schools welcome parents to join their child(ren) to enjoy breakfast or lunch for the adult meal prices. Since each school has different procedures for parent visits, please check with your school first.

2024-2025 Meal Prices

​​​2024-2025 Meals are free for ALL students under the Community Eligibility Provision “CEP” Prices below are for Additional Meals Served



Student (Elementary)



Student (Middle/High)






Extra Milk -- $.60

Student Nutrition Services Website

On the Student Nutrition Service website ( you’ll find school menus and much, much more. Among the contents are frequently updated articles about nutrition, and important links to other resources. You’ll also find access to and online application process for free and reduced price meals.   

Meal Accounts

All schools use the computerized system Mosaic to monitor payment for meals. When a student’s meal account balance falls below $5.00, the system automatically generates a message that is sent by phone on Tuesdays as a courtesy call..

If a student in kindergarten through 11th grade has money remaining in a lunch account at the end of the school year, it will remain in the account for the next school year. Likewise, an outstanding balance at the end of the year will carry forward to the new school year.

If a student in the 12th grade has over $5.00 remaining in his/her account at the end of the school year, a refund check will be mailed to the student. If the graduate has a younger sibling attending an SDPC school, the parent may request to transfer the balance to the sibling’s account. If the 12th grade student has less than $5.00 in his/her account and does not request a refund, the money will be transferred to the school’s senior class fund.

Online Meal Payments

SDPC partners with Heartland School Solutions/My School Bucks, which is our Student Nutrition Services software program, so that families may have direct access to their children’s cafeteria accounts. By logging in through our website and setting up an account with, you can see what and when your children have eaten, view their current meal balances, and establish a recurring payment.  Payment history for the three months is available.

The program also offers families the convenience of depositing funds into a child’s meal account using  It is similar to other online banking services and charges nominal fees for processing your deposits.  The service also lets you charge meal payments to your credit card. 

You will find directions about online payment options on the Student Nutrition Services website. You can find the link to the website on our school and district websites.

Charged Meals

A student may charge no more than $10.00 in meals. A student with a negative balance may not purchase any a la carte items. A student on paid or reduced status with a negative $10.00 balance will be served an alternate meal until the balance is paid in full unless arrangements for installment payments have been made with the Student Nutrition Services director and/or cafeteria manager. If students on free meal status have negative $10.00 balances, they will receive regular meals.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals


  • A new application for free or reduced meals must be submitted each year.

  • Only one application per family is needed. List all family members on one application.

  • Applications should be completed online, if possible. You will need (1) family case number if receiving food stamps; (2) payroll check stub to provide gross income; (3) last four digits of the Social Security number of adult signer.

  • A free and reduced meal application may be completed any time during the school year.

Qualifying students receive free and reduced price meals under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.

Families may complete the required application online, allowing those who are eligible to receive benefits faster. Families may apply any time after July  by visiting our Student Nutrition Services website at Only one completed application listing all family members is needed to determine the meal status for all students in the family.​ *Note: families do not have to complete the Free and Reduced Meal Application for the 2024-2025 school year, as meals for students are free under the Community Eligibility Program (CEP).

To complete the online application, you will need the following: (1) family case number if receiving food stamps (not the EBT card number); (2) payroll check stub to provide gross income information; (3) last four digits of the Social Security number of adult signer.*

Once the application is processed, you can check your lunch status at Select "South Carolina," then select "School District of Pickens County" from the drop-down menus. Enter your required information and click "Submit" to view your application status.

If a family’s financial situation changes, a form may be completed any time during the school year.

When submitting a second application, please provide copies of (1) family case number if receiving food stamps (not the EBT card number) and (2) payroll check stub to provide gross income information.

Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch also qualify for free or reduced breakfast.

*If your family’s case number is less than 9 digits, please enter zeroes ("0") in front of the number so that all blanks are filled in.