Student Fees
1:1 Device Fee
As part of the SDPC’s Tech It Home device program, each student pays a device fee of $25.00. This applies to students in traditional SDPC classes and Pickens County Virtual Academy. The fee covers the cost of accidental damage to devices. Additional fees apply to replace devices that are lost or damaged intentionally or due to negligence. More information about the cost of replacement devices is included in the SDPC Tech It Home Handbook.
Grades 9-12 Class Fee
Each student in Grades 9-12 pays a class fee of $5.00. The fee is used for class activities such as homecoming, prom, senior activities, and graduation expenses.
Fees for Optional Courses or Activities
Occasionally, fees are necessary for courses or optional special activities such as school pictures, yearbooks, newspapers, and some career center courses.
Replacement of Textbooks
The state provides free textbooks for all students. A student should have his/her name written in ink in each textbook that is issued to him/her. South Carolina State Board of Education regulations require payment for the loss of or damage of any book, with the exception of ordinary wear and tear. The school may require students, parents or guardians to pay for lost or damaged books.
Replacement of Other Materials
If a student loses or damages district-owned or school-owned materials such as library books, classroom books, calculators, etc., the student will be responsible for paying the replacement cost of the item.
The School District of Pickens County does not provide accident insurance for students; however, the district does make available an optional student accident insurance plan. The insurance should be purchased by September 30 of the current school year. Two policies are available—a 24-hour coverage and school-day coverage. Contact the school for insurance rates and an application form.
Students in career center courses are required to have insurance. This may be school insurance or family insurance.
Accidents must be reported to the school nurse or the administration within 24 hours or by the next school day. Insurance claim forms are available in the school office for students who have purchased an optional student accident insurance plan.
High School Schedule Changes
Each school establishes deadlines for turning in course request confirmation forms in the spring and distributes schedules during the summer. Requests for course changes after these times will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If the course/schedule change request is due to the failure of a course, courses taken over the summer, computer error, or administrative error, no fee will be assessed for the change.