In order for student medications to be given at school, self-administered at school, or self-administered after school hours on school grounds or at school activities, the policies below must be followed:
Medications to be given at school, during school hours:
A completed School District of Pickens County Medication Administration Permission form must be on file.
All over-the-counter medication must be in the original container. No medication will be accepted in bags or envelopes.
All prescription medication must be in individual pharmacy-labeled bottles and kept in the health room.
Only a one-month supply of prescription medication should be sent to school at one time.
Over-the-counter medications that are to be given daily for more than one week must have a doctor’s order.
Parents should bring any medication to school. Medications should not be brought to school or sent home on the bus.
No PRN (as needed) medications are to be given within 30 minutes of dismissal without a parent/legal guardian notification or prior approval.
Medications to be self-administered by the student during school hours:
Students may be authorized to self-administer and/or self carry emergency, life-saving medications (such as epinephrine, albuterol, etc.) or routine, life-saving medications (such as insulin, pancreatic enzymes, etc.) as prescribed the student’s healthcare provider and with written authorization from the parent/legal guardian for the student to self-monitor.
A completed School District of Pickens County Medication Self-Administration form must be on file in the health room and approved by the principal, his/her designee, or the school nurse and must be signed by the parent/legal guardian and prescribing physician.
Parents are only to send enough medication for that day, no more than two doses, in the original bottle that is labeled with the student’s name. Prescription medications must be in an original pharmacy labeled bottle that contains no more than two doses.
All students who will be self-administering medication should have an up-to-date Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) on file.
Field Trips:
Parents are responsible for sending medication for field trips.
Only enough medication for the field trip, in the original and properly labeled container should be sent.
A completed field trip permission form must accompany the medication.
The teacher will be responsible for administering the medication during field trips.
No PRN (as needed) medications are given after 2:00 p.m. in elementary schools and 3:00 p.m. in middle/high schools without a parent notification.
All medications left at the end of the school year are destroyed. They are not held for next school year.