School Health Services

School Nurses

Each school has a school nurse assigned to the campus. The school nurse operates the school’s health room. The nurse administers minor first aid for illnesses and injuries occurring at school and maintains a record on each child. However, students should be kept at home when they are sick, have a fever, or have undiagnosed rashes. A child should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.

Other duties of the school nurse are as follows:

  • identify health problems that interfere with learning and assist families and schools to resolve them;

  • work with students who have chronic illnesses to help them benefit from their education;

  • monitor the administration of medications;

  • assist with checking permanent records for complete medical records;

  • conduct health-related screenings as needed; and

  • provide health promotion activities as needed.

Health Room

Any student who becomes ill at school should request a pass from a teacher before reporting to the school nurse. If an extreme emergency exists, however, the student should report directly to the nurse. The nurse will contact a parent if the student needs to leave school. If parents are unavailable and the illness or injury is such that immediate care is required, the school will arrange for the student to be taken to a hospital for treatment. This action will not obligate the personnel of the school to assume financial responsibility for treatment.

Under NO circumstances may an ill student remain at school in lieu of the parent/guardian picking them up.

Immunization Requirements

According to South Carolina state law, every student must present a valid South Carolina Certificate of Immunization showing the minimum immunization requirements at the time of school entrance. If the student is entering from another South Carolina school, he/she must submit an immunization record at registration. Students from out-of-state have thirty (30) days to comply. Failure to comply will result in disenrollment.

Minimum Immunization Requirements

DTP, DT, DTP-Hib, DtaP, or Td vaccine

Grades 4K and younger - Four (4) doses of any combination of DTP, DT, or DTap vaccine

Grades 5K – 12-Four (4) doses of any combination of DTP, DT, DTaP, Td, or Tdap vaccine with at least one (1) dose received on or after the fourth birthday.

Polio vaccine

Grades 4K and younger - Three (3) doses of any combination of oral or inactivated polio vaccine

Grades 5K – 12 -Three (3) doses of oral and/or inactivated polio vaccine with at least one (1) dose received on or after the fourth birthday. 

Haemophilus influenzae Type b (Hib)

Grades 4K and younger - Current, age-appropriate Hib vaccination according to the currently published Immunization schedule

Rubeola, Rubella & Mumps

Grades 4K and younger - One (1) dose of MMR vaccine received on or after the first birthday

Grades 5K – 12: Two (2) doses of Rubeola (Measles) vaccine with both doses received on or after the first birthday and separated by at least one month

Grades 5K – 12: One (1) dose of Rubella (German Measles) vaccine received on or after the first birthday

Grades 5K – 12: One (1) dose of Mumps vaccine received on or after the first birthday


Grades 4K and younger - One (1) dose of varicella received on or after the first birthday or positive history of disease

Grades 5K – 10: Two (2) doses of Varicella vaccine received on or after the first birthday and separated by at least 4 weeks or positive history of disease 

Grades 11-12 : One (1) dose of varicella vaccine received on or after the first birthday or positive history of disease

Hepatitis B

Grades 4K and younger - Three (3) doses of Hepatitis B given and the appropriate ages and intervals

Grades 5K – 12: Three (3) doses of Hepatitis B with the third dose received greater than 24 weeks of age and at least 16 weeks after the first dose


Grades 4K and younger - Current, age appropriate pneumococcal vaccination according to the currently published immunizations schedule


Grades 7 -9: One(1) dose of Tdap vaccine given on or after the child’s tenth birthday

Grades 10-12: One(1) dose of Tdap vaccine given on or after the child’s seventh birthday. 

Hepatitis A

Grades 4K and younger- Current, age appropriate Hepatitis A vaccination according to the currently published immunization schedule

Grades 5K-4:  Two (2) doses of Hepatitis A vaccine with both doses received on or after the first birthday and separated by at least 6 months.

Medication at School

Medication CANNOT be given to students without parent permission. The school nurse, the principal or his/her designee(s) may administer prescription medication only by parental request and physician permission.

If a student is required to take over-the-counter medication during school hours, the student’s parent must complete the Medication Administration Permission form and must include the following information: (1) student’s full name, (2) name of medication, (3) times to be administered, (4) dosage, (5) possible side effects (if significant), and (6) termination date for administering the medication. Prescription medication will require a physician’s signature in addition to the requirements for over-the-counter medications. 

All medication sent to the school must be in its original container. Students are not to keep ANY over-the-counter or prescription medicines with them during the school day.

Students who must keep an inhaler, epi-pen, insulin, or any other emergency medication on their person for emergency purposes must have an approved Medication Administration Self-Administration/Self-Carry form and receive permission from an administrator and/or school nurse.

Parents should pick up all medications before the last day of school. Any medications that are not picked up by the last day for students will be destroyed.

Student Medications

In order for student medications to be given at school, self-administered at school, or self-administered after school hours on school grounds or at school activities, the policies below must be followed:

Medications to be given at school, during school hours:

  • A completed School District of Pickens County Medication Administration Permission form must be on file.

  • All over-the-counter medication must be in the original container. No medication will be accepted in bags or envelopes.

  • All prescription medication must be in individual pharmacy-labeled bottles and kept in the health room.

  • Only a one-month supply of prescription medication should be sent to school at one time.

  • Over-the-counter medications that are to be given daily for more than one week must have a doctor’s order.

  • Parents should bring any medication to school. Medications should not be brought to school or sent home on the bus.

  • No PRN (as needed) medications are to be given within 30 minutes of dismissal without a parent/legal guardian notification or prior approval. 

Medications to be self-administered by the student during school hours:

  • Students may be authorized to self-administer and/or self carry emergency, life-saving medications (such as epinephrine, albuterol, etc.) or routine, life-saving medications (such as insulin, pancreatic enzymes, etc.) as prescribed the student’s healthcare provider and with written authorization from the parent/legal guardian for the student to self-monitor.

  • A completed School District of Pickens County Medication Self-Administration form must be on file in the health room and approved by the principal, his/her designee, or the school nurse and must be signed by the parent/legal guardian and prescribing physician. 

  • Parents are only to send enough medication for that day, no more than two doses, in the original bottle that is labeled with the student’s name. Prescription medications must be in an original pharmacy labeled bottle that contains no more than two doses.

  • All students who will be self-administering medication should have an up-to-date Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) on file. 

Field Trips:

  • Parents are responsible for sending medication for field trips.

  • Only enough medication for the field trip, in the original and properly labeled container should be sent.

  • A completed field trip permission form must accompany the medication.

  • The teacher will be responsible for administering the medication during field trips.​

No PRN (as needed) medications are given after 2:00 p.m. in elementary schools and 3:00 p.m. in middle/high schools without a parent notification.

All medications left at the end of the school year are destroyed. They are not held for next school year.


School nurses may conduct vision, hearing, and blood pressure by parent permission. 


If a child has severe food or other allergies, parents should notify in writing the school nurse and the child’s teachers. Written procedures for the school to follow in an emergency should be given along with a list of foods or items that the child needs to avoid.

In recent years, life-threatening food allergies have been the subject of concern in our country. Consistent with our commitment to serve the students of Pickens County, the School District of Pickens County has developed School Guidelines for Managing Students with Anaphylactic Food Allergies. Although no blanket policy can possibly address the individual needs of every child, the district developed these guidelines which may be used in conjunction with an Individual Health Care Plan or a Section 504 Accommodation Plan if appropriate. Of course, no one can eliminate altogether the risks associated with life-threatening food allergies, but we encourage parents of children with such allergies to contact the school for more information on how they may be able to help address their children’s needs.

Services for Students with Special Health Care Needs

Many health care services can be provided for students to keep them at school where they can learn and participate with other students. Our goal is to provide information to parents and legal guardians about some of the services and programs available for addressing the health care needs of students during the school day to help students succeed in school. It is important that the necessary health care information is shared with the appropriate people—such as teachers on duty during recess, bus drivers, and cafeteria employees—to make sure that the students’ needs are met throughout the school day.

Individual Health Care Plans or Individual Health Plans (IHPs)

Individual health care plans are also called individual health plans or IHPs. School nurses who are registered nurses write IHPs to guide how a student’s health care needs will be met while at school. The nurse works with the student, the student’s parents or legal guardians, the student’s health care provider, and other school staff to write the plan. IHPs are written for students who have special health care needs that must be met by school staff during the school day. IHPs are also written for students who have been approved by the school district to self-medicate or self-monitor. To learn more about IHPs, talk with your child’s school nurse or the SDPC Director of Health Services.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504)

To be eligible for services under Section 504, a student must have a condition that substantially limits one or more major life activities. The school’s 504 team determines if a student is eligible. The team should include the student’s parent or legal guardian, the student (if able), and others who know the student or know about the student’s disability, such as a teacher, a school counselor, a school nurse, and other school staff. If the student is eligible, the team develops an individual accommodation plan. The individual accommodation plan explains how the student’s needs will be met while at school and may include health services for the student during the school day if needed. To learn more about Section 504, contact the SDPC director of special education.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Students, ages 3 through 21 years, may receive services under the IDEA if the eligible student needs special education and related services to benefit from his or her educational program. A multidisciplinary team decides if a student qualifies for services under the IDEA. The team includes the student’s parent or legal guardian, teachers, and other school staff. The team develops an individualized education program (IEP) if the student meets federal and state requirements. The IEP outlines a plan for helping the student receive a free appropriate public education and meet goals set by the team. The IEP may include health services for the student during the school day if needed. Contact the SDPC director of special education to learn more about the IDEA.

Medical Homebound Instruction

Medical homebound instruction is a service that is available for students who cannot attend school for a medical reason even with the aid of transportation. A physician must certify that the student has such a medical condition but may benefit from instruction, and must fill out the medical homebound form that the school district provides. The school district then decides whether to approve the student for medical homebound services. The school district will consider the severity of the student’s illness or injury, the length of time that the student will be out of school, the impact that a long period away from school will have on the student’s academic success, and whether the student’s health needs can be met at school. To learn more about medical homebound services, contact the SDPC homebound secretary​.

Head Lice (Pediculosis)

When a student is determined to have head lice, the parent will be contacted to pick up the student from school. The student may not return to school until he/she is treated with a special shampoo made to kill head lice. Nits (lice eggs) should be removed from the hair to prevent a recurrence of the lice. In addition, a second shampoo treatment may be necessary. Parents should be aware that household items such as beds, linens, upholstered furniture, carpet, toys, clothing, hats, hairbrushes, and combs can be infested with head lice and will need to be cleaned to ensure extermination of the lice. Students who have been identified as having head lice will be checked before being permitted to return to the classroom.

School Exclusion List

SC Regulation #61-20 requires that SC DHEC publish each year an Official School and Childcare Exclusion List of Contagious and Communicable Diseases. It further requires that students should be excluded from school attendance if they have one or more of the conditions in the lists.

Please visit the South Carolina DHEC website for the full exclusion list. Parents may also request a copy of the exclusion list from their school nurse.