Central Academy of the Arts uses an arts-infused and arts-integrated curriculum based on The Kennedy Center for Performing Arts Model with a focus on visual, performing, and visual arts.
In 2018, CAA began its five-year plan to phase in its arts-integrated curriculum. Year one featured core-subject teachers co-teaching units with related arts teachers. By year five, teachers are on track to be able to integrate arts standards and core-subject standards to be taught together. In addition to specialized classes in Art, Music, Dance, Media, Technology, and Physical Education, students in grades 3-5 will choose a “major” to hone their skills based on their own interests and talents. Proposed majors include Band, Sketching, Pottery, Broadcasting, Digital Design, Tap Dancing, Drum Fit, and more.
Questions? Email CAAquestions@pickens.k12.sc.us
CAA is also working in conjunction with R.C. Edwards Middle School to develop an elementary band program unique to the School District of Pickens County. Students will begin instrumental instruction in kindergarten, leading up to basic woodwind and brass instruction in 4th and 5th grade. Each grade level will also host two local, state, or nationally-recognized artists as artists-in-residence each year who will specialize in an arts-infused event. Also, CAA will be the only elementary school in SDPC to have a full dance studio equipped with springboard floors and mirrors.
Students who live in the Central Elementary School zone are automatically approved to attend CAA, and are eligible to receive bus transportation. The school also encourages students outside the Central zone to attend on school choice. The district does not provide transportation for students attending outside the school’s zone. If the number of school choice applications exceed school capacity, the school district will use a lottery system to determine admission.