2023-2028 Strategic Plan
The School District of Pickens County has successfully completed the development of the 2023-28 strategic plan! A strategic plan is a carefully crafted roadmap that guides our district's actions, priorities, and goals for the future. It serves as a compass, helping us make informed decisions that align with our goal of providing an exceptional education and fostering a nurturing environment for our students.
In 2022, we worked with stakeholders to develop renewed core values, mission, and vision statements. The 2023-28 strategic plan is built from the foundation of the new vision and mission. Our vision is "to empower each student for college, career, and life success." To accomplish this, we must follow our mission statement: “The mission of the School District of Pickens County is to engage each student today to RISE to tomorrow’s potential.”
We want to express our deepest gratitude to all of you who participated in this significant endeavor. Your valuable insights, contributions, and active engagement through focus groups, surveys and interviews were instrumental in shaping our strategic plan. We are truly grateful for your time and dedication to our shared vision of educational excellence.
As we celebrate the completion of our strategic plan, we want to assure you that this is just the beginning. Our commitment to continuous improvement remains steadfast, and we pledge to build upon our accomplishments, address challenges, and adapt to the evolving needs of our students and community.
In the coming months and years, you will witness our strategic plan in action as we embark on various initiatives and projects to provide a people-focused and supportive culture, foster innovation in teaching and technology, effectively and efficiently manage resources and operations, enhance student achievement, and strengthen community partnerships.
Our Goals
Click on the Goals below to view the Strategies and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for each of our five goals.
Goal 1: People-Focused Supportive Culture - To invest in people by creating a trusting environment where individuals thrive emotionally, physically, and mentally.
Goal 2: Visionary Future-Focused Innovation - To empower students and educators by providing a flexible and supportive culture of collaboration, risk-taking, and experimentation.
Goal 3: Productive Service - Oriented Operations - To effectively and efficiently manage resources and deliver high-quality services and programs that support teaching and learning.
Goal 4: Academic Growth and Excellence - To provide all students with high-quality aligned curriculum, skills and engaging evidence based experiences that ensure academic, career, and life success.
Goal 5: Partnerships for Student Success - To build strong, collaborative, supportive alliances between students, staff, families, and communities.